Estée Lauder, key leader in the cosmetic and skincare industry, launched its Double Wear range and wanted to raise brand awareness amongst Chinese expats & tourists in Europe. Comms8 was entrusted to help boost its in-store release in key retail points across the region.


Beauty-focused influencer outreach: We handpicked two Europe-based Chinese beauty influencers to create authentic product reviews and beauty tips content on Little Red Book – one of the fastest growing social media platforms in China.

Bespoke content strategy & creation: Worked closely with Estée Lauder and the selected influencers, we identified unique story angle that matches the image of both the brand and KOLs in order to create authentic content targeting the right audience.

In-depth hashtag analysis: To leverage users’ habits of using hashtags on social media, we identified on-trend hashtags based on data, to maximise brand exposure.

Little Red Book marketing


The social media posts created by our influencers reached over 500,000 followers on Little Red Book in the UK and China, and delivered an exceptional engagement rate. The campaign also contributed to 20% paid traffic to the brand’s website.

Xiaohongshu Marketing

Contact us today to discuss how Comms8 can help your brand grow in Europe and Asia today. 
